SAP Installation-Trial Versions

Trial copies of SAP Software are usually available from the SAP Developer Network. The location within the site occassionally changes, and so does what is available.

  • These are trial copies, and usually expire within 90 days. Don’t try to run your business on them.
  • These will run on reasonably modern laptops, 1GB or more of memory (maybe 2GB if you’re running the VMware installations) and require somewhere more than 20 GB of disk (depedning on the particular install you choose).

VMware Installations

These are designed to be installed into VMware images, usually (but not always) running Linux. Please read the documentation associated with installation to ensure you have sufficient knowledge and resources to complete the restore.

The SAP NetWeaver 7.0 (2004s) dual stack has it’s own SDN blog entry about correct installation.

There is also the SAP NetWeaver 7.0 – Java Trial Version on Linux for VMware as well.


‘Real’ Installations

You may be able to install these within a virtual environment, especially if you have access to a decent server. I have found that they are a bit more resource hungry than the VMware editions listed above, so I have always installed them directly on to ’spare’ PC’s (From experience, either make sure it REALLY is a spare machine, or back everything up before you reformat).

SAP NetWeaver 7.01 – ABAP Trial Version (2.8GB)
This package will install the SAP ABAP server on Windows XP Professional (Service Pack 2) or Windows Server 2003 and Windows Vista. It also includes the Web Dynpro for ABAP development environment.

SAP NetWeaver 7.0 (2004s) – Trial Version on Linux (4.8 GB)
This package will install the ABAP and Java server stacks on Linux, using SAP’s own database Max DB version 7.5 or IBM DB2 Universal Database for Linux version 8.2. It also includes Web Dynpro for ABAP, Web Dynpro for Java, SAP Interactive Forms by Adobe and NetWeaver Developer Studio (Windows Version).

SAP NetWeaver 2004 – Trial Version on Linux(3.5 GB)
This package will install the ABAP and Java server stacks on Linux, using SAP’s own database Max DB version 7.5 or IBM DB2 Universal Database for Linux version 8.2. It also includes NetWeaver Developer Studio and JavaGUI. There is also a sample application to demonstrate basic integration between JavaGUI and OpenOffice / StarOffice.

Other usefull tools are:
SAP JVM Profiler Sneak Preview
This tool will help you analyze the memory & CPU consumption of your Java application.

Registry Clean Tool for SAP NetWeaver 7.0 (ABAP)(1.16 MB)
Use this tool to remove SAP related entries in the Windows registry. This is useful in case of an invalid installation of SAP NetWeaver 7.01 – ABAP Trial Version.


Many thanks Martin for this article

5 thoughts on “SAP Installation-Trial Versions”

  1. as compared to SAP ECC IDES installation, NetWeaver 7.0.1 installation does take less time and headache than SAP ECC IDES.

  2. Yes Jacky, even you can extend your Netweaver’s 30 days trial for many times without any problem, if the policies have not been changed :)

  3. I have successfully installed ABAP 7.02 version in windows professional 64 bit in virtual machine. My os is windows 8.1 .So I installed Virtual box to windows 7 64 bit. Then I installed SAP GUI 7.3 version. Now system is success fully running. But I could not see SAP modules for SD,PM and all… Is it not available for trial version??

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