Packing is a process of grouping materials or products into containers or units for easier handling, transportation and storage. In SAP, packing is integrated with various modules such as sales and distribution, warehouse management and production. Handling Unit Management (HUM) is a functionality in SAP that allows users to manage the packing process more efficiently and flexibly.
HUM enables users to create, change and monitor handling units (HUs), which are logical or physical representations of packing materials and the goods contained in them. HUs can have unique identification numbers (HUIDs) that can be scanned using barcodes or RFID tags. HUs can also have hierarchical structures, meaning that one HU can contain one or more sub-HUs.
In this presentation business process of packing or Handling Unit Management in SAP is described.

- Benefit of Packaging
- Management of Packaging Materials
- Scenarios of Packaging Materials
- Post Goods Issue
Download – Packing (Handling Unit Management) Process in SAP: Introductory Presentation