Configuring the Interest Calculations Procedure:
This configuration allows you to charge interest on overdue customer accounts. Interest can be calculated by using the line items or overall account balances. SAP keep tracks of the date of the last interest run and stores it in the customer master record.
First create an Interest Indicator.
OB46 – Interest Settlement Calculation Type
Int Calc. Type
P – calculate interest based on line items.
S – calculate interest based on account balances.
Secornd, make it avaliable to the interest run program.
OB82 – Interest Terms
Third, determine the interest rate that will be used by the calculation.
OBAC – Define Reference Interest Rates
OB83 – Enter the Reference Interest Rates Value
Fourth, assign the interest indicator to the reference interest rate.
OB81 – Define Time Dependent Terms
Finally, determine the how and to which accounts the interest program will post.
OBV1 – Prepare Interest on Arrears Calculation
First time ive been able to make sense of SAP. Thank you soooooooooo much!