Before any debugging can take place Server Node of J2EE cluster must first switched to debug mode
There are 2 ways of debugging
1) Temporary:For temporary switched debug mode ON using J2EE engine view in NWDS
2) Permanent.For permanent switched debug moce ON using J2EE Visual Administrator
Option 1: Start the SAP AS Engine in debug mode through Config Tool:
1. To enable the debug mode from the Config Tool, visit following path :
2. Click on the particular instance. Then under the tab VM Environment, Set the DebugMode = true.
3. Restart the engine now. This will open the J2EE server again in the Debug Mode.
Option 2: Starting the local debug session
1. Select “SDM” from J2EE engine (To get this view navigate through Window -> Show View -> J2EE Engine)
2. Make a right click on “SDM” and choose “Enabling Debugging of Process”
3. Now, Navigate to Run -> Debug -> Select your Project as “Webdynpro Application” and click “new” button
4. Now give some name and Click “Browse” to select you project and then click “Apply” and “Debug”.