The provided file list consists of various processes related to SAP Product Costing which are essential for managing and analyzing costs associated with materials, production orders, and cost estimates within the SAP system. Here is the list of files shared:
C088 Settlement Prod Cost Collector Collective
CK11N Create Material Cost Estimate
CK13N Display Material Cost Estimate
CK24 Mark Future Price
CK24 Release Price Update
CK40N Edit Costing Run
CK44 Delete Costing run
CKAPP01 Display Materials to Be Costed
CKAPP03 Display Sales Order to Be Costed
CKR1 Reorganization of Cost Estimate
CO03 Display PP Production Order
CO88 Settlement Production Order Collective
KK87 Settlement of Prod. Cost Coll – Individual
KKAO Calculate WIP for PCC Coll
KKAO Calculate WIP Production Order Collective
KKAQ Display WIP for CO Production Order Coll.
KKAS Calculate WIP for PCC – Individual
KKAT Display WIP for Product Cost – Collective
KKAX Calculate WIP Individually
KKAY Display WIP for Prod. Order – Individual
KKRV Data Collection for Product DrillDown
KKS1 Variance Calculation Production Order – Collective
KKS2 Variance calculation Production Order -individual
KKS5 Variance Calculation Product Cost Collectors – Collective
KKS6 Variance Calculation Product Cost Collector
KO88 Actual Settlement Prod. Order Indiv.
KRMI Actual Costs on Order Line Items
S_ALR_87013046 Material Cost Estimate vs Preliminary Order Cost Estimate
S_ALR_87013099 Order Plan_Actual Comparison
S_ALR_87013127 List of Orders
S_ALR_87099931 Price versus Cost estimate
Download – Step by Step SAP Product Costing End-User Documents