Concept and Structure of Tables in SAP

All data in SAP neccesarily sits in tables. A table is nothing but a matirx containing rows and columns which how the database would handle the data. In SAP, each table contains a header. The header defines the fields i.e. columns in the table. Each table also contains data values which are identically configured rows which contain data values. There are normally four types of tables in SAP. Each of these four categories of tables contain the different types of data namely:

– Application Data
– System Control Data
– Organizational Structure Data
– Commercial Data

Another point worth mentioning here is that each data record in SAP contains a primary key and a functional area. The primary helps SAP in uniquely identifying a data record within a table. Examples of tables in SAP would include Table MARA which is the table for material master. KNA1 is the table for customer master. Table LFA1 is vendor master and so on.

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