Step by Step Guide to Cash Journal Configuration in SAP

This is complied for understanding of basic concepts of cash journal configuration with steps of:

  • Creating Cash Journal (T. Code FS00)
  • Define Document Types for Cash Journal Document (T. Code OBA7)
  • Define Number Range Intervals for Cash Journal Document (T Code FBCJC1)
  • Setup Cash Journal (T Code FBCJCO)
  • Create Business Transactions ( T. Code FBCJC2)
  • Cash Journal Entry ( T Code FBCJ)

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Account Receivable Basics

SAP R/3 has a dedicated module FI-AR which is specialized to maintain the accounts receivable sub-ledger of the FI-GL General Ledger. The accounts receivable module stores its own master data, transaction data and has its own reporting system. One important point is that both the general ledger and the AR sub-ledger use the same chart of accounts. Similarly, the master records are also shared with GL. As a concept, every transaction creates an SAP document.

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MM-FI Integration in SAP R/3

Like SD and MM integration as highlighted before, SAP also cover some of the integration area related to Material Management and Financial Accounting components of SAP R/3. Under this article, some of the important steps related MM-FI Integration have been highlighted. This complete integration is covered in SPRO under the node Valuation and Account Assignment (Account Determination & Automatic Postings).

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SAP Controlling Basics


Controlling Area: An organizational unit within a company, used to represent a closed system for cost accounting purposes. A controlling area may include single or multiple company codes that may use different currencies. These company codes must use the same operative chart of accounts.
Cost center std Hierarchy : Indicated hierarchy of cost center groups in which all cost centers in a controlling area are gathered together.
Cost element : A cost element classifies the organization’s valuated consumption of production factors within a controlling area. A cost element corresponds to a cost-relevant item in the chart of accounts.

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SAP Finance Basics


Client: In commercial, organizational and technical terms, a self-contained unit in an R/3 System with separate master records and its own set of tables.

Company Code: The smallest organizational unit of Financial Accounting for which a complete self-contained set of accounts can be drawn up for purposes of external reporting.

Business Area: An organizational unit of financial accounting that represents a separate area of operations or responsibilities within an organization and to which value changes recorded in Financial Accounting can be allocated.

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Segment Reporting on New General Ledger

Evaluating the range of options that are available for segment reporting within the SAP ERP system is complex, primarily due to the multitude of possible implementation solutions. Additionally, it is difficult to isolate a decision through the segment reporting approach from overall decisions regarding the integrated reporting strategy and the underlying system architecture. The emphasis in this paper is on recommending the best foundations of segment reporting design. In addition, we explain the key reports in SAP ERP and SAP NetWeaver BI to comply with segment reporting requirements.

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