1, The sales areas include: sales organization, distribution channel, division.
2, A delivery is always carried out by one shipping point only. The shipping point is assigned to a plant. The loading points are assigned to shipping points.
3, A consumer is a natural, private business partner with whom you have a relationship involving the transfer of goods and services. you create cutomer master records for bussiness partners who are consumers.
4, About customer hierarchies, we can exclude the possibility of defining ship-to parties as higher-lever nodes, since ship-to parties play no role in pricing.
5, Services are represented and managed in the SAP system as materials. services are immaterial goods that differ from other goods.
6, Item proposal is very useful when some customers always order the same products or services.
7, In the SD module of standard R/3 system , the system selects the most specific record-the customer-specific price. If no customer-specific price existes, the system looks for a valid price list type. If no valid price list type existes, the system takes the basic matherial price. This search strategy can change in customizing Access sequences.
8, For a third-party business transaction , the costs are determined from the purchase order.
9, The aim of the pallet discount is go give a discount only for whole units,e.g. wholoe pallets.
10, Condition technology of condition records include:
KONH: Condition header
KONP: condition items possibly with supplementary conditions
KONM/KONW: Quantity scale or value scale.
11, Free goods can only be supported on a 1:1 ratio. This is means that an order item can lead to a free goods item.
12, In some festival seasons, we would create a material determination record for a specific
material, which would substitute common material.
13, Material listing and exclusion lets us control which material specific customers or may not buy. For example, if we create a material listing for a specific customer, the customer can only order products from that list. The way same as exclusion.
Note that:Material listing applies to two partner functions in S&D: sold-to party and payer.
14, Replenishment lead time is only includeed in the check performed on the basis of ATP (available to promise) quantity.
15, For in-house produced goods, the overall replenishment lead time is required, for externally produced goods, the planned delivery time, the processing time for goods receipt, or the processing time for purchasing is required.
16, The following types of transfer of requirements exist:
Transfer of requirements with individual requirements.
Transfer of requirements with collective requirements.
Individual requirements have the advantage that the initiating document can be dentified (the initiating document is displayed in the availability overview for each requirment).
Collective requirements can either be created daily or weekly.It’s function is useful for dealing with a large volume of sales orders, as you obtain a clearer list of requirements and the system response time is also better.
17,About credit managment and risk managment in SAP, the risk is greatest if you use no payment guarantees and is at a minimum when you use letters of credit.
18, Sales order stock is not available for material requirement planning(MRP).
19, In third-party order processing, your company does not deliver the items requested by a customer. Instead, you pass the order along to a third-party vendor who then ships the goods directly to the customer and bills you.
20, Make sure that you transfer only individual requirements for materials with engineering changs. This is because chang statuses can be different for each item. If you transfer total requirements in this case , serial numbers will not be forwarded to production.
21, External agent functions have been developed for just-in-time processing.
22, An internal delivery schedule used to fine-tune requirements planning. The planning delivery schedule serves to:
:Limit the planning period of schedule lines in forecast delivery schedules
:Break down the weekly or monthly schedule lines sent in by the customer into daily req.
23, About base date, we must specify a base date, otherwise, the system does not copy schedule lines into the planning delivery schedule.
24, If we have not entered an instruction in the scheduling agreement, then the system dose not allow you to create or maintain planning delivery schedules.
25, Terminology used for trade between countries:
Dispatch: you send goods to another country within your economic zone.
Receipt(arrival): you receive goods from another country within your economic zone.
Export: you send goods to a country outside your econmic zone.
Import: you receive goods from a country outside your economic zone.
26, If we want to make sure that the goods are sent out before the invoice is created, we would create an invoice on the basis of the delivery.
If we want to receive money before we send the goods to the customer, we would create an invoice wih reference to a sales order.
When we bill a customer for service, we would probably refer to the salse order, since a service is usually based on an order, not a delivery.
27, Because the full product(the liquid goods)cannot be delivered separately(loose, without packaging), the full product and tied empties material together form a fixed unit from the perspective of the full product. This does not apply to united empties. Untied empties materials can also be posted separately(upon return delivery to the vendor, for example-exchange of empties).
28, The SD self-billing procedure allows the customer to send self-billing documents to the vendor, stating the deliveries and amounts that are settled and paid.
29, A lump sum payment is a special condition which does not depend on salves volume but on a promotional performance such as a front of store display or a local advertisement.
30, Down payment are payments made before completion of the product, with no interest. They represent short or medium term outside capital procurement and therefore improve the company’s liquidity situation.
31, Shipping points are independent organizational entities within which processing and monitoring of the deliveries as well as goods issue is carried out. A delivery is processed by one shipping point only.
32, The total weight of the delivery is not increased by the packing weights. Handling units that were created in the delivery cannot be unpacked in the shipment document.
33, Using the self-billing procedure, you can only create invoice that have already been assigned accounts and that have been forwarded to FI.
34, Shipment costs can be a considerable cost factor. For this reason, they are often not includeed in the material price, but are billed separately by the shipper to the customer during billing.
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Great effort. Good notes.