This is not a comprehensive guide but just based on specific requirement which first guides you through a simple Pricing Configuration and later shows you a real-life exercise with some sales procedures.
In this document you will do the following tasks
Step 1: Look at Document pricing procedures
Step 2: Look at Customer specific pricing
Step 3: Determining what procedure to use (customer or document) &Setup rule for pricing determination
Step 4:
- Testing the new pricing procedure (creating sales order)
- Look at price changes based on valid dates (planned changes)
- Manually override a price (from $295 to $305)
Step 5:
- Create a discount of $10 per unit if any customer buys over 10 units.
- Add a customer discount of 10% if any customer buys for over $1,000.
- Create Minimum pricing
plz kindly post sap mm pricing with detail doc, of import,domestic.especially how to define a schema,condition types.