Step by Step Guide to Upload New Customer Master Record

Step by Step Guide to Upload New Customer Master Record With LSMW

From the material;
The LSM Workbench is an R/3-based tool that supports you when transferring data from non-SAP systems (“Legacy Systems”) to R/3 once or periodically.
The tool supports conversion of data of the legacy system in a convenient way. The data can then be imported into the R/3 system via Batch input, Direct input, BAPIs or IDocs. LSM Workbench provides a recording function that allows to generate a “data migration object” in an entry or change transaction. Through LSMW, we can upload Master Data and Transaction Data.

Download – Step by Step Guide to Upload New Customer Master Record

2 thoughts on “Step by Step Guide to Upload New Customer Master Record”

  1. Hi

    I am New to LSMW. Kindly request to provide step by step configuration steps and file creation format for following scenario:

    Update Customer master Record in all Customers Master in FD02

    Update field : Prev.acct no as XXXXX

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