Vendor Retention Process in SAP: Key Steps to Configuration & Execution

This PDF document outlines the vendor retention process in SAP. Vendor retention is the process where a portion of the payment to a vendor is retained by the purchasing company for a specified period as a form of security.

The document covers:

  • An overview of what vendor retention is in SAP
  • The configuration steps required in SAP to enable vendor retention, including activating the business function, creating a retention document type, setting up number ranges, defining a special GL indicator, configuring the transaction key and parameters
  • The execution process for vendor retention, including creating a purchase order with retention percentage, goods receipt, entering vendor invoice, accounting document display, vendor payment, and subsequent payment of the retention amount after the retention period.

The document provides a comprehensive guide to setting up and executing vendor retention processing in SAP.

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Free Goods Configuration in SAP MM: Overview and Key Steps

This document covers the configuration and process for setting up free goods in SAP Materials Management (MM). Free goods refers to getting a certain quantity of a material free of charge based on the order quantity. There are two types of free goods in SAP – inclusive free goods, where the free goods quantity is part of the order quantity, and exclusive free goods, where the free goods quantity is in addition to the order quantity.

Key topics covered in the document are:

  • Define Price Determination Process – Setting up price determination to handle free goods pricing
  • Define Schema Groups – Creating schema groups for suppliers and purchasing organizations
  • Maintain Access Sequence – Defining the search strategy to find applicable free goods rates
  • Define Free Goods Types – Creating new free goods types
  • Define and Assign Free Goods Schemas – Defining free goods schemas and assigning them to purchasing organizations and suppliers
  • Maintain Free Goods Schema – Defining which free goods types to use and their sequence
  • Determine Free Goods Schema – Setting up determination of which free goods schema to use
  • Configuration Example – Walkthrough of an example configuration for free goods
  • Purchase Order and Invoice Posting – Example of free goods in action on a purchase order and invoice

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Stock Transfer Process in SAP S/4HANA

This document provides an overview of the complete cycle of the Stock Transfer Process in SAP S4H. The process includes the creation of a reservation, reservation approval, transfer posting, and placement in storage.

The following are the key processes involved in the Stock Transfer Process:

  • Create Reservation:
    • Users can enter the transaction code MB21 or navigate through the menu path to create a reservation.
    • The reservation specifies the materials to be transferred, the quantity to be transferred, and the source and destination plants.
  • Reservation Approval:
    • The reservation goes through multiple approval levels, with notifications sent to the respective approvers.
    • This ensures that only authorized personnel can approve stock transfers.
  • Transfer Posting:
    • Users can use the transaction code MIGO to handle transfer postings.
    • The transfer posting records the movement of materials from the source plant to the destination plant.
  • Place In-Storage:
    • This process involves selecting the “Place in Storage” option in the MIGO transaction and entering the relevant material document.
    • This ensures that the materials are physically placed in the destination plant’s storage location.

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Goods Return Process in SAP S/4HANA

This document provides an overview of the complete cycle of the Goods Return Process in SAP S4H. The process includes the creation of a Return Purchase Order, Return Delivery, Quality Rejection, and creation of a Credit Memo.
The following are the key processes involved in the Goods Return Process:

  • Vendor Return Delivery – Quality Return (Movement Type – 124):
    • Quality Inspection using transaction code QE51N.
    • Creation of Gate Pass.
  • Vendor Return Delivery – After Quality Acceptance & Before Invoice Posting (Movement Type – 122):
    • Return Delivery using transaction code MIGO.
    • Creation of Gate Pass.
  • Goods Return with Return Purchase Order (Movement Type – 161):
    • Creation of Return Purchase Order using transaction code ME21N.
    • Return Purchase Order Release through a multi-level approval process.
    • Return Delivery using transaction code MIGO.
    • Credit Memo creation using transaction code MIRO.
    • Creation of Gate Pass.

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Business Process Manual for Material Procurement (Stock) in SAP S/4HANA

This sample manual [114 Pages PDF] is designed to guide users through the Material Procurement (Stock) processes within the SAP S/4HANA system.

Here’s a summarized overview of the Material Procurement (Stock) Process document:

  • MRP & Purchase Requisition Creation: Run MRP using MD02 transaction code and create Purchase Requisitions automatically via ME52N transaction code.
  • Purchase Requisition Approval: The requisition goes through multiple approval levels.
  • Request for Quotation (RFQ): Users can create or change RFQs using transaction code ME41.
  • Quotation Approval: Quotations are approved through multiple levels.
  • Purchase Order Creation: Purchase orders are created using transaction code ME21N.
  • Purchase Order Approval: Similar to requisitions, purchase orders also undergo multi-level approvals.
  • Inbound Delivery Creation: Inbound deliveries are created using transaction code VL31N.
  • Gate Entry Creation
  • Quality Inspection: Quality inspections are conducted using transaction code QE51N.
  • Invoice Verification: Invoices are verified using transaction code MIR7.
  • Invoice Approval: Parked invoices are approved through multiple levels.

The manual covers various other details, including specific transaction codes, navigation paths, roles, and step-by-step instructions for each process.

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Batch Management in SAP: Basic Overview Guide

This document provides a simple overview of batch management within the context of material production and stock management in SAP.

A batch is defined as a subset of the total quantity of a material held in stock, representing a homogeneous unit with unique specifications. Batch Management indicator can be set manually or automatically in the material master record, and it is maintained at different levels – plant, material, and client.

The document highlights the reasons for implementing batch management, such as traceability in case of complaints and recall issues, search via expiration date, ISO certification, and the management of batch characteristics to determine which batch fits a specific requirement.

The guide also provides practical examples of creating weekly requirements, running MRP against those requirements, converting purchase requisitions to purchase orders for raw materials, and creating batch numbers during goods receipt. It further discusses the process of issuing multiple batches to a single production order, a process known as batch splitting.

Finally, the document explains how to use MB56 transaction code to trace the usage of a particular batch of raw material, providing a valuable tool for quality control and customer complaint handling.

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Material & Service Procurement in SAP S/4HANA: Complete End User Guide

This 187 pages PDF document provides an overview of the Material Procurement (Stock) and Service Procurement process in S4H MM (SAP) and SRM. The process begins with the creation of a Material Requirements Plan (MRP), which is a forecast of future demand for materials. Based on the MRP, a Purchase Requisition is created, which is a request to purchase materials. The Purchase Requisition is then sent to a vendor, who may respond with a quote. If the quote is accepted, a Purchase Order is created. The Purchase Order is then sent to the vendor, who ships the materials to the buyer. Once the materials arrive, they are inspected and accepted. The buyer then creates an invoice, which is sent to the vendor. The vendor pays the invoice, and the transaction is complete.

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