Migrating Fixed Assets into SAP

This document will discuss loading fixed assets using the standard load program RAALTD01, although two alternatives are briefly discussed. You will also be guided for how to overcome the common problems in migrating fixed assets into SAP. Following are covered in this guide;

  • Load Methods (BDC recording of transaction AS91, Business object BUS1022, Standard load program RAALTD01)
  • Data structures in the asset load program RAALTD01 – BALTD and BALTB
  • Common problems (Alpha conversion, Missing customising, Legacy asset number, NBV – Net book value, Time-dependent data, Mid-year asset migration, Assets created in this year, Asset disposals, Depreciation areas

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Yet Another Great Step by Step LSMW Tutorial

In an SAP R/3 implementation the data from legacy system (non SAP R/3) needs to be transferred to the SAP system. Periodic data transfer between R/3 and other system (interfacing) is also required. Both of the above form a part of data migration. In SAP, known tools for data migration are:

  • BDC (Batch Data Communication)
  • LSMW (Legacy System Migration Workbench)

This document presents high level view of LSMW and to provides you information about how to use this functionality. Following are the headlines from this study material:

  • Difference between BDC & LSMW
  • What is LSMW ? Principles, Features and Pre-Requisities for LSMW
  • Import methods defined: IDOC’ s,BAPI’s, Standart/Direct Input, Batch Input
  • Step by step procedures for using conversion tool LSMW
  • Step by step procedures for Direct Input Method, Batch Input Method, BAPI in LSMW and so on..

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Free Configuration Staff for FICO Consultants

Well, i guess almost all FICO Consultants must have heard about sapficocolsuntant.com site. It is the one of the most popular site selling Configuration Staff like sap-topjobs.com site does. When you browse their site you may not find any link to download sample documents visible, they only provide with email. Using my Google Search tricks i have explored some hidden gems on site. When i check the dates files uploaded, so i thought they can’t be unaware of this issue. You can read my Google Search tips article if you want to find the documents hosted on site, but i will provide you here direct links. So lets start;

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A Complete Reference to ABAP Basics

Starting with the definition of R/3 Architecture Components, this document brings you to a complete overview of the almost all ABAP Basics. During the reading you will learn the common statements used in creation of ABAP Screens with given examples and then you will be introduced to Data Dictionary objects. The ongoing topics covered in this document are as follows:

  • Internal Tables : Purpose of Internal Tables, Types, Used System Variables…
  • Subroutines : Statements used in Subroutines…
  • Reports : Types of Reports…
  • Module Pool Programming (MPP) : Events used in MPP, Creation steps of a simple MPP…
  • Menu Painter
  • Batch Data Communication : Methods used in BDC: Direct Input Method, Call Transaction Method and Session Method…
  • LSMW ( Legacy System Migration Workbench) : Steps required to create LSMW
  • SAPScript : Components of SAPScript
  • Smartforms : Advantages, Components and Navigation Settings of Smartforms

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LSMW Tutorial: Step by Step Guide to Update Customer Master Records

As a part of reorganization and to better serve the customer needs, you are regrouping many of the customers. In SAP terms, you are changing the Sales Office, Sales Group and Customer Groups for specific Customer Master Records. Typically, you would maintain customer records with transaction XD02 to update ‘Sales View’. You would enter Customer Key (Customer No, Sales Organization, Distribution Channel, and Division) and update relevant fields on Sales View screen.

This document contains Step-by-step instructions to use LSMW to update Customer Master Records. It has two demonstration examples – one using Batch Recording and another using standard SAP Object.

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